Fortis Colleges & Institutes Glossary of Terms

Catalogs, Addenda, and Related Information

Contains information about the college, the programs offered, the admissions requirements, and other institutional standards and requirements, along with the accreditation and licensing information.

Consumer Information Guide

联邦法规要求机构每年向学生提供某些消费者信息, 并附上一份获取信息的程序说明. This guide accomplishes that objective.

Consumer Information Guide Summary


Net Price Calculator

净价计算器是一个工具,你可以用它来估计你上我们大学的“净价”. Net price is the difference between the “sticker” price (full cost) to attend, minus any grants and scholarships for which you may be eligible. Sticker price includes direct charges (tuition and fees, room and board) and indirect costs (books and supplies, transportation and personal expenses). 用于计算这些费用的信息直接取自高等教育综合数据系统(IPEDS)中提交的信息。.

Accreditation Placement Rates

认证安置率是根据每个机构的认证机构和联邦法规计算的. 该费率每年根据提交给各认证机构的年度报告进行更新. 2008年的高等教育机会法案(HEOA)要求各院校向学生提供有关就业率的信息, including the methodology and time frame applicable to the rates. Information is maintained, tracked and updated in our student data base system.


Please note that accreditors listed here are for all Fortis locations. 请参考该机构的目录和认证率披露,以找到适用于您感兴趣的校园的认证机构.

The methodology and time frame applicable to these rates is as follows:

Accrediting Body: Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools (ABHES)

The reporting period is July 1 through June 30. Placement statistics are calculated per program. Placement benchmark is a minimum of 70% per program.

安置率是通过使用ABHES要求的计算方法确定的, for the reporting period July 1 through June 30, as follows: 

Placement Rate = (P) / (G-U)
P = Placed Graduates
G = Total graduates
U* = Graduates unavailable for placement 

*无法就业定义为无法就业且属于以下类别之一的学生:健康相关问题, military obligations, incarceration, continuing education status, or death.

Accrediting Body: Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges (ACCSC)

The reporting period is July 1 through June 30. Placement statistics are calculated per program. Placement benchmark is a minimum of 70% per program. 就业率是用报告期内的毕业生总数除以就业毕业生来计算的. To determine the cohort date range, ACCSC计算从报告日期向后计数如下:程序长度乘以1.5 plus 3 months for placement activity.

As per ACCSC standards, 列出的比率可能不包括属于以下类别之一的学生:死亡, incarceration, active military service deployment, 身体状况的开始导致无法继续登记或就业, 或以学生或工作签证入学的国际学生,毕业后没有资格在美国持续就业. 

Student Right-to-Know Graduation/Completion Rates

The Student Right-to-Know Act, as regulated by the Department of Education, 要求所有参加第四章课程的机构计算毕业/完成率. This act was passed by Congress November 9, 1990. Title I, Section 103, 要求有资格获得第四章资助的机构计算证书或学位寻求的完成率或毕业率, full-time students entering that institution, and to disclose these rates to all students and prospective students. 根据《英国正版365官方网站》,披露和/或报告所需的比率. 这个比率的计算方法是在正常时间的150%内完成学业的总人数除以调整后的队列. 此外,法律要求按性别、种族和民族分列这些比率. IPEDS的毕业率组成部分是专门为帮助各机构响应这些要求而制定的. 请参阅学生毕业/完成率知情权披露,了解所收集数据的当前描述和适用的队列. 


用于计算机构毕业率的数据来自我们的学生数据系统,并且是该机构通过每年向美国移民局提交的信息的结果.S. 教育部高等教育综合数据系统(IPEDS). For more information about IPEDS, please visit

Retention Rates

根据2008年《365英国上市官网》(HEOA)以及1965年《365英国上市官网》(修订版), 每个高等教育机构都必须向在校生和未来的学生披露有关保留率的信息. 保留率是根据联邦法规计算的,并基于每年提交给综合高等教育数据系统(IPEDS)的信息。.

留校率是衡量学生在一所学校坚持其教育英国正版365官方网站的比率, expressed as a percentage. 这是前一个秋季首次申请全日制学位或证书的学生在今年秋季重新入学或成功完成课程的百分比. 请参阅保留率披露,了解所披露数据和适用队列的完整描述.

Textbook Listings and Costs

根据2008年《365英国上市官网》(HEOA)以及1965年《365英国上市官网》(修订版), 每个高等教育机构必须披露完成每门课程所需的推荐和所需教科书的信息. 所列的价格反映了学生购买每本教科书的估计费用.